Some online friends are really far better than your actual friends with whom you do meet on an everyday basis. Friendship does not develop by juts meeting regularly, you need to hold a special bond and mutual respect for each other if you want your friendship to last for longer time periods. This connection can be developed online as well and without even meeting for once.
People use applications to judge their levels which cannot be correct at all as you may hold a special bond but your thinking may vary with the other person. There is not such a Friendship Calculator to judge your friendship level and comfort you feel when you talk with each other but at least with these calculators, you can sense what your friend’s mindset is likely to be.
When you make friends you look for some similarities for the first time, you look for the vibes and your intuition that may suggest to you if it’s right or not. We can never really judge a person by talking to them once. But, you can get an idea about the other person’s personality by judging the way of talking.
Maybe you have a friend to whom you have to know for years and met sometimes even in reality but still can’t get those positive vibes. On the other hand, you made an online friend on some social media account and you get those vibes that this friendship will work. Even when you feel confident and positive from your end the other person experiences the same vibe as the other person can sense it through your tone of talking.
There are many people who have never met even for a single time in their life but still share every feeling with each other. Maybe, the other person is living far miles away from you can connect with your more as compared to those who are just living beside your apartment. If you are able to connect with someone more comfortably, your friendship can work for a very long time.
Some people are more likely to be interesting while they are texting and when you meet them in person, they turn up into something different for the very first time. There are only some online friendships that work far better than real friendships, but nowadays with the technology taking over we have more virtual friends as compared to real friends and we share most of the feelings with our online friends as compared to the real ones.
The most dominant part behind these online friendships is the technology and some internet applications which allows you to make more friends by just swiping right to your preferences. There is a very rare case in these type of platforms that your friendship is going to work for a long time as you never know how many people are chatting with each other at the same time and even if you are getting a strong vibe, it can turn out to be a dud with so many people involved. But in case both you have got some similar connections and you are able to connect after all these things your friendship or bind is going to go further for sure.