The Blue Chow Chow is one of the most antiquated dog breeds on Earth and furthermore one of the noblest. Indeed, even today, to see a blue Chow Chow stroll past resembles watching history itself stroll by. The blue Chow’s set of experiences is thought to extend back to the time before written history. The soonest composed proof of the blue Chow goes back over 3,000 years prior.
Chow Chow Characteristics
Chows are working dogs right to their center. They are solid and powerful, well equipped for cutting down the most savage game. Chows have served individuals in numerous parts, from defenders to associates, unskilled workers to suppers! The blue Chow is China’s just local chasing and working dog.
Initially, this dog was bred as a pointer/retriever to assist trackers riding a horse by finding and cutting down some really fearsome game. This included panthers and wolves as well as more normal passage like fowl and small game.
Fun Facts About Chow
The Reality About The Breed
- The Chow breed is really one of a kind, both in its vestige and in specific highlights that barely any different breeds show.
- The Chow is said to speak to the “basal genealogy” for all dogs.
- That is, the soonest veering hereditary genealogy away from dark wolves that would one day structure the establishment for all dog breeds in existence today!
- The main Chinese indigenous dogs, from which all East Asian dog breeds are thought to have developed, lived in Asia roughly 8,300 years back.
- Development of the Chow chow is thought to have started much before, from 9 000 to 11 000 years back, in the cultivating area that fringes the Yangtze River in China.
- Not at all like other dog breeds, the Chow’s back legs are straight, which can make them look sort of stiff when strolling.
- The Chow’s eyes are a profound set, generally dispersed, and almond-formed and the breed standard specifies that they are dull earthy colored in color.
Realities About Chow Coats
- All Chow Chows are works of art. Their thick coat, unquestionable walk, ramrod-straight stance, and puncturing dim eyes normally make them stand apart from the pack.
- This present dog’s brand name coat color basically adds another layer of persona to the Chow’s antiquated sources.
- The Blue Chow Chow is only one of five perceived Chow dog coat colors: black, blue, red, cream, and cinnamon/grovel.
- The Chow Chow’s jacket can here and there seems as though this dog put a paw in an electrical attachment!
- The Chow’s thick, twofold layer coat developed to keep them warm and protected while working outside in the unforgiving winters of their country.
Realities About The Name
- In this present dog’s origination of Asia, the Chow Chow has a different conventional name as well as various different basic names that have been utilized as the centuries progressed.
- Truth be told, it is just outside of Asia that this dog is known as a “Chow!” “chou” (“chow”) can actually mean “food.”
- In China, the Chow dog name is really “Songshi Quan.” This fairly not exactly rich name means “puffy lion dog.” Another customary name for the Chow is “Tang Quan,” which means “Dog of the Tang Empire.”
- One fascinating speculation about how the Chow Chow dog got its name says the name originates from an antiquated word, “Cha” or “Chao,” which signifies “incredible quality.”